On February 28 through March 1, preliminary round of the Metal Cup—2018 international championship of technological strategy in metallurgy is to be held in Chelyabinsk on the grounds of South Ural State University.
The Championship is the possibility to demonstrate in practice the whole set of professional skills and personal characteristics and abilities. Students and postgraduates of South Ural State University at the age of 16 to 30 are welcome to participate.
The Championship is held within two working days; participants of the qualification round by themselves form teams of 3-5 people. On the first day of competition, participants finish elaboration of a case that they receive beforehand. On the second day, participants present their projects to professional jury which consists of representatives of industry and education.
Winners of the round at South Ural State University will be awarded with valuable prizes, the opportunity to undertake internships in metallurgical companies, and the right to represent their educational institution at the All-Russia’s final.
Partner of the Championship is the Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant, one of the largest Russian companies that manufacture pipe products.
For participation, you need to register at the official site. There you can also find additional information about current rounds, procedures for organization and participation. The official vkontakte group posts the latest news about current rounds.
Additional information:
Call center 8 (923) 270-38-16, press[at]metalcup[dot]ru
For all questions, please contact: Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin.