On February 13th the Russian Federation Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilieva in an online #VKLIVE session answered questions of VKontakte social network users. The topic of discussion was holding of the Uniform State Exam (EGE) in 2018.
The users asked the Minister whether the EGE statistics should be “unveiled”. Olga Yurievna explained that it is not correct to treat the EGE as a ranking system.
“EGE is not ranking scoring. We have different schools, different programs for advanced and specialized classes. That is why it would not be correct to treat EGE as a ranking system, it will never be anything like such a system. Usually, some time after EGE is passed we release to public the cross-country average scores – these are known scores in mandatory disciplines, those disciplines which most pupils choose to pass. If you’re interested, you may visit the Rosobrnadzor web-site. You will find all information on the EGE results there,” says the Head of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Olga Yurievna expressed her opinion on whether everyone needs to pass the advanced EGE level on mathematics.
“If it was up to me, I would very much like all children of Russia to pass the advanced mathematics exam, but I understand that this would not be correct. For instance, if I’m more prone to humanities and history, and will never need to study mathematics at such an advanced level and most likely will never get back to it, then in this case I think the base level we get by the moment of finishing school is quite enough,” notes the Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
In the course of the online session the Minister gave positive assessment to the initiative of communicating in such a format with young scientists as well. Olga Yurievna said that “we need to do it if there is an interest and a will”, and she noted that she will definitely share the most complete information on “the support rendered to young scientists at present”.
In conclusion of the discussion Olga Vasilieva shared that her main “human” need is to get enough sleep, the author whose books she managed to re-read recently is Bunin, and the most important thing in life is “to act like a civilized human in any situation”.
The Minister also reported on the new official VKontakte web-page of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, which is devoted to EGE. All those willing may obtain the required information on the exam there, or ask relevant questions. Here is the link to the social network web-page: https://vk.com/ege
You may watch the full video of the online session of O.Yu. Vasilieva with VKontakte users on the official social network web-page of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.