SMM Contest Organized by HSEM and Lexus OOO Seyho Motors Dealership is to be Held at SUSU

The HSEM ‘s Business School and Lexus ООО Seyho Motors Dealership are organizing a student contest on Social Media Marketing with total prize fund of 25 000 rubles and a possibility to get employed to the Lexus Dealership.

Briefing with contestants is planned for February 8 of 2018 at 18:00 in room 208/8 of the SUSU Business School (79a Soni Krivoy street).

During this briefing, potential contestants will be given an SMM assignment, and in a week participants will present results of the work done. The task will include analytical and practical parts of content marketing in social networks.

Presentation of works will be held on February 15 of 2018 at 18:00 in room 208/8 of the SUSU Business School (79a Soni Krivoy street).


1st place 20 000 rubles, internship and employment to the Seyho Motors ООО

2nd place 3 000 rubles

3rd place 2 000 rubles


Event date: 
Thursday, 8 February, 2018 - 18:00
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