Dear friends! Dear colleagues!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy New Year 2018!
On the eve of this family holiday, we bid farewell to the expiring year and summarize its results. Annual accumulation of events and achievements is always unique, and we can assure: we have things to be proud of!
In 2017, our students brought the highest-rank medals from various international subject Olympiads; Russian universities improved their positions in rankings; achievements of Russian scientists are being acknowledged all around the world. This success became possible thanks to our common goals and the efforts of those who, despite the complexity of goals, is searching and finding solutions in complex scientific projects, who is teaching and bringing up our children, and to parents, who love them and believe in their bright future. Because the brightest hopes of our society are connected precisely with education.
In the new year we are going to continue the big work for creating a common educational space, building new schools, kindergartens and public nurseries, and increasing competitiveness of Russian universities. Ahead is a lot to do in the sphere of inclusive education.
I thank everyone who is working for the good of Russian education and science. I wish you good luck, strength and patience in the New Year of 2018. Let all your dreams come true, and peace and love will accompany you everywhere. I would like to finish by quoting Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy about how to be happy: “you need to believe in the possibility of happiness”!
Happy New Year 2018!
The Minister, Olga Vasilyevа