“You Fall in Love with SUSU Once and for All!” SUSU Graduate, Tatiana Derkach


Tatiana Derkach graduated from SUSU as a specialist in Accounting, Analysis and Audit in 2008, and since then has never stopped in her professional development. Today she is Chief Accountant at a major medical center, and recalling the times when she was a student she feels grateful.

– What influenced your choice of profession?

I was only 16 when I entered the university. And at such an age it is very difficult to understand what you wish to do in life. Back in school I liked studying economics, but didn’t really understand what does and economist do and who might need his skills. That is why I opted for another profession designation of which was clearer to me – the profession of an accountant. My mother graduated from the Pedagogical University, but trying to help me out with my choice of the university she said to me: “SUSU is an embodiment of studentship”. I wanted to feel that atmosphere and become part of that university. When you see SUSU for the first time, you fall in love with it once and for all. The building of SUSU crowns Lenin Prospect, and you wish to be worthy of reaching its heights.

– Did studying feel steady and calm for you, or did you come across some unforeseen circumstances?

– I’ve always been a natural A-student, even back at school. And I was absolutely horrified when failed my speciality exam on accounting at the 3rd year of studies. I think that I overrated my strength, and was spending more time on the backside of the students’ life – having fun and partying. The failure at the exam brought me to my senses. Already at that moment I understood that just being lucky won’t make you a good specialist, you really need to do your best and perfect your skills. That is why I resat may exam back then. All I had to do was to pull myself together, get a grasp of the subject matter, and resit the exam. It was a right path to take, so I graduated from the university with honours. I’m not embarrassed of sharing this story, anyone can make a mistake in life. The thing is you need to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. The process of studying felt comprehensive, and made me a real professional. I am extremely grateful to our young and active professors who were deeply interested in the disciplines they taught us and made us fascinated as well. I think especially kindly of Alexey Evgenievich Ivanov who taught me think as an accountant. Now I feel confident in living my life. The knowledge which I obtained at SUSU formed my vision of my profession and made me see my strengths.

– How did your career evolve after you graduated from the University?

– At a lightning speed, to put it short! It all started with my pre-graduation practice at audit company “Listik and Partners”. For two months I’d been “melting” their telephone insisting that they take me as an intern. During my internship the company’s management saw my potential as an auditor, so I stayed at that company. Knowledge obtained at the university, as well as extensive audit practice produced good results. 2.5 years after university graduation I obtained my Auditor Qualification Certificate and came to supervise audit inspections. Soon after that I was appointed the Head of the General Audit Department at “LA Consulting” company. Today I am Chief Accountant at the major medical center “Lotos”. My life is a continuous moving forward in my profession. The evolving of the accounting, tax and civil legislation “keep you fit”, so it’s never boring. At the moment I’m taking training to obtain ACCA Certificate (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). 13 exams are awaiting me. But I believe I will pass them all successfully since I am a SUSU graduate.

– Do you have anything to say to SUSU students?

I would advise them not to neglect their studies. It is sad when people spend 4 to 6 years studying something, and then say that they can’t find their place in life. Dear students, university can give you much – just go and take it!


Natalya Shankova
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