Invention of SUSU Student Will Help Saving the Earth’s Ecology


Freshman student of South Ural State University’s Institute of Natural Sciences Anastasia Fedosova developed a technology for disposing brass and etching solution wastes. Her invention has already been patented and implemented at the enterprise.

“I started working on my invention back in the 10th grade. In the result, me and my scientific supervisor Alexey Akhliustin developed a technology for disposing brass and etching solution wastes, implemented it at a local galvanic enterprise, and received patent for the invention. The idea of the invention belongs to the scientific supervisor; I just brought it to reality. Moreover, he helped me finding contacts of the enterprise where the invention has been implemented,” said Anastasia.

Today the problem of galvanic industrial wastes is a relevant and pressing matter. Ions of heavy metalsharmfully affect population and ecology. Recycling of brass wastes is normally conducted by burning, and Anastasia’s invention allows for solving this problem.

“Enterprises more often use the standard technology which requires additional expenditures and has an extremely negative effect on ecology,” noted the student.

In addition to solving the ecological problem, Anastasia Fedosova’s invention helps an enterprise obtaining valuable chemical materials and economizing up to 1 million rubles per year. The technology allows satisfying interests of enterprises and the country as a whole.

The research project became winner in the SUSU Forward to Discoveries contest within the 5-100 Project. Moreover, Anastasia received an invitation to the Moscow State Duma to be awarded with an ecological award. In the future she is planning to develop and improve her invention.


Ekaterina Kuznetsova; photo by: PressFoto
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