Education which Determines the Future: Strategy Session is Held at SUSU


On September 5-7, a project-and-analytical session “Development of the university’s growth (transformation) orientations”, in which take part the university’s staff and partners, is held at South Ural State University.

On September 5 was the first, analytical, day of the strategy session. A line of actions was prescribed by the Rector of SUSU Alexander Shestakov and by the president of the Business Council of the Eurasian Economic Union Viktor Khristenko.

“To me, the most important thing after having formulated goals and objectives of a strategy is choosing one’s own positioning as a leader, choosing national and global partners,” noted Viktor Khristenko.

Presentation of the university’s strategy was delivered by Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Andrey Keller. In his report he dwelled on a series of issues concerning the strategy of SUSU development for the period till 2025, and presented a plan of actions.

In the frameworks of the session, working groups for strategy discussion were created. The groups included representatives of SUSU’s higher schools and institutes, the university’s partners and students. The objective of the groups was analysis and critical review of the presented strategy.

At the end of the day, a discussion on group’s reports and a summarizing were held.


Ekaterina Kuznetsova, photo by: Oleg Igoshin
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