Applications Open for the UMNIK-2017 Contest


On September 1st applications opened for the innovative projects contest, UMNIK. The winners will receive grants of 500 thousand rubles. The organizer of the contest is the SUSU Youth Business Incubator.

The contest will be held within the program of the Fund for Supporting Innovations by the same name, and traditionally includes 5 project categories:

  • Information technology
  • Medicine of the future
  • Materials and technologies of their creation
  • New instruments and hardware systems
  • Biotechnology

Selection will occur in two stages: the semifinal (distance) and final (in-person). In the event of a tie in the distance stage, the participants who sent in their applications earliest will go to the final.

In 2015 and 2016, the UMNIK contest, held at SUSU, has been won by more than 70 people.

The contest is also an excellent beginning for scientific careers or innovative businesses. The winners of the UMNIK contest at SUSU from over the years are authors of more than 200 patents, directors and managers of more than 25 innovative companies, and 40 winners have defended their candidates’ dissertations.

On September 8th, 2017 at 16:00 in room 402 of the SUSU main building, consultations will be held on how to submit applications, where, based on a live project, any questions on the application process will be answered.

You may submit an application on the official program site.


Ekaterina Kuznetsova
Event date: 
Friday, 8 September, 2017 - 16:00
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