SUSU Applicants Wrote Mock English Language Exam in IELTS Format


On July 28, in the frameworks of the foresight session, the SUSU’s Institute of Linguistics and International Communication held a mock international English language exam in IELTS Academic format. The session was visited not only by school graduates, but also by the 9th-10th grade students.

The event started with a speech of associate professor of the Linguistics and Translation Department, candidate of pedagogic sciences Irina Stavtseva on the topic “Language training of Bachelor’s degree students in linguistics and an international exam”, from which applicants learned about the role of format checkups of language skills of the future bachelors-linguists in his or her professional activity, and also about peculiarities and advantages of studying English in the frameworks of the field of study.

After that, applicants started writing the exam which consisted of two parts: listening (30 minutes) and reading (60 minutes). The results will be processed within two days and sent to participants at the email stated during registration.


Yekaterina Kuznetsova, photo by Oleg Igoshin
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