On June 15, opening ceremony of the 4th forum and exhibition “China-Russia EXPO 2017” was held in the city of Harbin (PRC). Organizations and enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region presented their stands in the framework of the common exhibition space of the region. During the exposition review by official representatives of Chinese party and top public officials of the region, the SUSU stand excited special interest.
According to deputy Director of the SUSU Department of Science and Innovation Evgeniy Iogolevich, educational, scientific and innovational competencies of the university were highly estimated by business community and by the government of Shandong province, representatives of scientific and educational institutions of China.
President of the largest Harbin’s Gongda corporation Zhang Dacheng, while visiting SUSU’s exposition, expressed to the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovskiy his interest in investing for joint hi-tech projects; and professors of the Institute of Economy and Management from Heilongjiang University confirmed their interest in creating collaboration with the university and publishing collaborative articles.
“China-Russia EXPO” is the key communication platform for Russian and Chinese regions. The exhibition allows for boosting the development of collaboration, study existing opportunities, build a direct dialog with representatives of business circles, sign mutually beneficial agreements.
In 2016, EXPO in Yekaterinburg visited 48000 people, and total area of the exposition was 8500 square meters. At the exhibition, more than 250 Russian and Chinese enterprises were presented; and on the results of the event, 24 agreements to the value of more than 54 milliards of rubles were signed.
This year the organizers are: The Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China, popular government of the Heilongjiang province, the Ministry of Economic development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.