This year more than 350 students participated in the Student Spring Festival. SUSU students earned 73 awards. The Deep Vision dance theater presented 6 pieces to the judges, and all of them received awards. The Crazy Family team also received 5 awards for 5 of their presented numbers. Students who participated in the Theatrical category earned awards in the spoken word, literature contest, and stand-up categories.
Two collections were presented in the Fashion Theater category, and both of them received awards. In the Original category our students performed stunningly - with a hula hoop, on aerial silks, and in a contortionist circus act. Our University presented the most numbers in the musical category: duets, solos, ensembles, and instrumental performances on the reed pipe, domra, guitar, and piano. The final notes were performances by three SUSU orchestras - jazz, folk, and chamber. As a note, our University was the only representative in this category. Around 50 people took the stage!
We congratulate all students who participated in the Festival, wish them success in the regional stage of the competition, and hope they will perform at the 25th anniversary Russian Student Spring Festival, which will be held in May in Tula. We invite everyone to the winners' Gala concert which will be held on Thursday, April 20th in the Railman's Palace of Culture at 18:00.