More than 10 000 priceless artifacts are displayed in the People and Technologies of the Ural Museum. Among them the antiquities of Huns and Sarmatian jewelry. Historical antiquities were found by South Ural scientists as a result of archeological studies within Chelyabinsk Region.
The museum is a part of the SUSU Scientific and Educational Center of the Eurasian Researches. Every summer the staff organizes not less than 3 or 4 archaeological expeditions. All their finds come to the museum, and the most interesting of them are become part of the permanent exhibition.
“The leading specialists in Archeology work in our university. Among them doctors of Historical science Aleksandr Tairov, Andrey Epimakhov, Sergey Botalov, Vadim Mosin and others, who publish their scientific articles in the high-rated international journals, participate in different international conferences. Thanks to them our permanent exhibition is constantly growing and we receive the update information about history of our region,” – the head of the People and Technologies of the Ural Museum Yulia Vasina tells.
Among the museum artifacts there are some antiquities that are exhibited only in the People and Technologies of the Ural Museum. For example, the most eastern in steppe Eurasia a Roman set made in I-III A.D. found in a Hun’s entombment, including the only one glass tumbler in the Trans-Urals, and the excellent collection of things made in Scythe-Siberian Animal Style in VII-IV B.C.
On the basis of the People and Technologies of the Urals Museum the most extensive collection of anthropological reconstruction in the Urals covering the period since a Stone era before the late Middle Ages is built. There are citizens of Arkaim, famous Sarmatian and Saka people, and even the Huns with their distorted skulls. Only in an hour visitors of the museum can imagine how ancient inhabitants of the Urals looked like, learn all its history thanks to the presented exhibits, maps and the fascinating story of the guide.
Yulia Vasina, describing the Roman set notes: "These objects found by archeologists could be diplomatic gifts to Huns because ancient Romans brought in contact and bribed the tribe leaders, agreed with them and made gifts. In the 4th century groups of Huns went to extortionate campaigns and reached the Sea of Azov. At that time Rome was still strong and, prostrated, they returned back but brought their spoils. Their campaigns did not end. Moving ahead further and further, in the 5th century the Roman Empire that seemed so inviolable began to ruin under their pressure".
Surprisingly the visitors of the People and Technologies of the Urals Museum learn that the territory of the Urals was always populated and has a rich history. The exposition of the museum covers huge time layer from 150 000 years ago to the beginning of the 19th century, from the moment when human ancestors appeared in the Urals to its industrial development. Besides a permanent exhibition the museum organizes rotating exhibitions. For example, last year the Ladies Things exhibition was very popular among the visitors. Exhibits of the museum were also displayed in the memorial estate Kazan Kremlin, the State Historical Museum of the South Ural, Chelyabinsk State museum-reserve Arkaim which were visited by more than 18 000 people.
Doors of the museum are always open for teachers, school and university students. Its usual guests are the members of the international delegations and foreign students studying at university. It is possible to visit the museum with a group or individually by prior arrangement.
All visitors are welcomed for free excursions.
Phone in advance to join an excursion: (351) 267-96-16