Build a Career with Rosatom


On Thursday, November 3, the Rosatom Career Day will be held at SUSU. The Rosatom Career Day is a large industry event which has been held successfully since 2010. The main goal of the project is to develop organizations’ talent pool and attract the best and most motivated graduates to work, as well as increase the awareness of young specialists about the structure and areas of development of the Russian atomic complex.

The career day includes the following stages:

  • Generator Tower engineering contest: 6 teams of 6 people participate. The winners will be invited to the Moscow career day to participate in the final contest, where all universities will be represented;
  • Rosatom factory processes training;
  • Pecha Kucha presentation contest;
  • Rosatom Career Game quest.

Students can also look forward to discussions with company representatives, presentations by the top people of the atomic sector, and training events for the development of the skills needed for working in the businesses of Rosatom.

The schedule of events is published on the university site.
Advanced registration is required for participation:

Event date: 
Thursday, 3 November, 2016 - 09:00
Contact person: 
Oleg Igoshin
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