Questions of Cooperation Between Russia and Kyrgyzstan Will Be Discussed at SUSU


On Tuesday, July 19th at South Ural State University and the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, an international round table will be held called “Russia – Kyrgyzstan: the main stages of cooperation in the 20th and 21st century.” 

Organizers of the round table are the Fund for Social and Economic Development - Eurasian Fellowship, South Ural State University, and the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The round table will be held in an online dialog format and will gather representatives of the expert communities of the South Ural region and Kyrgyzstan. Specialists from both countries will take part in the event as well as representatives of the Kyrgyz national diaspora in the South Ural region and in the Hanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The main goals of the seminar are to discuss possible directions for socio-economic, bi-directional cooperation between Russia and Kyrgyzstan and proposals for the development of humanitarian, educational, and cultural cooperation between the countries within the scope of Eurasian integration;

Within the round table, specialists plan to discuss the following issues:

  • Eurasian space: sociocultural interaction between Russia and Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan – our common home: history and modernity;
  • Kyrgyzstan and Russia in the system of modern integrative associations.

The event will include the opening of a discussion platform called “Concepts of Eurasianism: the past and the future” on the site of the Club of Eurasian Intellectual Ideas for Representatives of Expert and Academic Communities and also for all interested citizens of the countries of the EEU.

On this new platform, any interested party can state their opinion and take part in discussions about the understanding of the concept of eurasianism, the work of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a practical embodiment of Eurasian values. The opinions of the fund’s experts will be posted in the hottest issues.

Venue for the international round table:

  • Chelyabinsk, Prospekt Lenina 85, South Ural State University (National Research University);
  • Nizhnevartovsk, Ulitsa Mira 9;
  • Bishkek, Ulitsa Panfilova 237, Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.



Yulia Rudneva
Contact person: 
Oleg Igoshin, telephone: 267-99-83
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