Second Stage of the “Your Start in Science” Contest: Young Researchers Join Up as Teams


Under the authority of the SUSU Office of Scientific and Innovative Activities, in attempts to attract student youth of the university to the 5-100 Project for Increasing Competitiveness, a contest for bachelors, masters, specialists and post-graduate students, “Your Start in Science” has begun. The best student scientific projects will receive financing.

The contest for innovative ideas includes four stages. The first stage, completed on May 14th, determined the program participants. The main goal of the second stage, which began May 20th, was team creation. The young researchers participated with presentations of their projects, met each other, and formed teams. The creative groups were filled by volunteers from those who didn’t have their own ideas. A few participants decided to combine their projects.

The SUSU pro-rector for strategic development, Andrey Keller, gave a speech in front of the young researchers. Andrey Vladimirovich wished the young researchers confidence.

“You are the bravest part of our university’s youth,” the pro-rector noted. “With a tight deadline, you offered your ideas and you’re ready to work on them. That deserves respect! At the end, we will receive a series of completed products, which will be realized in both fundamental science and applied developments. You don’t have the doubts that your older colleagues do. You think outside of the box, and therefore we can count on you. Afterwards, the best developments from young researchers will be commercialized.”

In the second stage, the young researchers took part in brain storms under the guidance of the best expert game-makers of SUSU Higher School of Economic Management (HSEM). SUSU HSEM associate professor and business coach Denis Stukalov lead a short course in statistics for the participants.

As a reminder, the second stage of the contest consists of four tours. The second tour is ahead for the young scientists. The format it will be held in is training in project management, which will be on May 27th from 13:30 to 20:00 in classroom 452 in building two. By plan, during this training the teams will be confirmed. May 30th and 31st a special seminar in the formation of a technology festival "Nanofest", will be held, at which Moscow coaches will discuss breakthrough technologies in the field of innovation studies.

The third stage will be held from June 1st to June 10th. This stage is dedicated to work in teams upon working out details of the projects. Part of it is field sessions and work with SUSU experts. The main goal is the development of the projects’ scientific initiatives on all levels.

The fourth stage (held June 11th through 15th) will be project defense in front of the managing committee of the 5-100 project and SUSU rector Aleksandr Shestakov.

As a reminder, if you want to take part in the contest, it isn’t late to join the project!

Напоминаем: если вы хотите принять участие в конкурсе, к проектам еще не поздно присоединиться!

All questions can be addressed to the project manager – zhuravlevam[at]susu[dot]ru (Zhuravlev Artyom Mihailovich).

Questions about the contest are also taken through the SUSU Board of Young Researchers -

Results of the first tour of the second stage can be here.

Picture and text author: Yuliya Rudneva

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