The first regional scientific business school was held at SUSU in February. The initiative for organizing business schools throughout Russia belongs to the Ministry of Economic Development. The event is held through the Russian Politechnical Society. At SUSU, it was held as part of the “Step into the Future” project, with assistance from the Office of Science and Innovation.
Part of the work of the business school was awarding the winners of the South Ural Intellectual and Social Youth Program regional competition – “Step into the Future – Constellation STCY” (Scientific and Technical Creativity of the Youth). Eleven finalists of the program were awarded medals as part of the “Creative Works” competition, innovator’s competition – “Utility Model”, inventor’s competition – “The Art of Creative Thinking”, intellectual’s competition – “The Art of Developing Memory and Logic, and erudite’s competition – “What? Where? When?”. Besides medals, winners also receive additional points on the Unified State Exams, which will help them when applying for admission to SUSU.
The professional simulation “Experience for Promotion of Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives” was another part of the business school. In this, participants had practice in mastering the technique of turning ideas into real business plans. Also, those who attended the business school attended master classes with SUSU scientists and business coaches from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). University and school students became acquainted with ways to overcome the issue of transferring the art of engineering entrepreneurship in the country and debated the TRIZ method of re-engineering business processes and methods of protecting intellectual property rights.
Executive director of the Russian branch of the International Association “Triple Spiral” of the economic faculty at MSU, Tatiana Pospelova, told participants of the business school about start-up creation strategies: from idea to project. Charmain of the Council of Young Scientists of the MSU Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Aleksei Korenev examined the ins and outs of promoting start-ups in education.
Chairmen of school councils of Scientific and Technical Creativity of the Youth participated actively in the business school. The main goal of such councils is to oversee the development of scientific and technical creative circles in schools, and cooperate on these issues with SUSU.
In the future, council chairmen will be forming project design bureaus at SUSU and in schools. The bureau’s work with be focused on career guidance for school students in scientific and technical areas and restoring the prestige of the engineering profession.
At the end, Evgeniy Kuzmin, coordinator of the “Step into the Future”, assistant head of the Scientific Methodology branch of the Office of Academic Methodology, summarized the first business school experience at SUSU and invited participants to the Eleventh Ural Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of the Youth: innovators, inventors, designers “Eurasian Gate of Russia – Step into the Future”, which is being held at the university in April 2016.
Author: Yulia Rudneva, Translation: Amanda Wegner
News contact: Kseniya Mashkova: 267-99-83