On the 29th of February the SUSU Academic Board meeting was held. The key issues brought up for discussions were the issues on the development of economic and juridical education in SUSU.
The report of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Andrei Shmidt was devoted to the foundation of Higher School of Economics and Management in SUSU. Among the fundamental bases for the foundation of new structural subdivision are the following: best practices of leading world higher professional institutions, needs of employers in the staff in economic field, topical areas of economic scientific researches, branch division of economy of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of the Project 5-100 and Federal State Educational Standard.
The organization of HSEM functioning is planned on the basis of the activity of 15 enlarged economic departments and their operation under the principle ‘one profile – one department’. The higher business school providing the training for the Bachelor’s and Masters Degree programs of business administration, as well as relevant MBA programs will be established. For more advanced students an elite training room will be allocated, the assignment for which will be held according to the ranking and achievements of students. The laboratory of cases will help students develop business skills. Here the organizational activities and business games will be conducted. In order to implement the midterm attestation the Centralized Testing Center will be organized in the Higher School. With the help of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences it is planned to strengthen the mathematical training of economists. Besides, the structure of school assumes the foundation of College of Economics, leading training on the programs of secondary-level education for graduates of 9 forms.
Dean of the Faculty of Law of SUSU Alexander Klassen in his report told about the changes that will occur in the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Law Enforcement Officials Training and in the College of Law. On their basis the Institute of Law of SUSU will be founded, which will form the basis for the activities of 8 departments. The new subdivisions in the structure of the Institute will be Department of Public Domain Software Package, Board of Trustees, Laboratory of Private Law, as well as the Center for counteraction of organized crime and corruption. For students with achievements in the field of academic and scientific activities the School of Exemplary Students will be organized. Also on the basis of the Institute free School of Law will be opened where the students of 7-11 grades could acquire knowledge.
We would like to point out that a number of alternations will be made soon in other academic subdivisions of SUSU as well.