Young ScientistsofSUSUKnowHowto Control Bolides Under Conditions of Extreme Load

PhotoofProfessorAleksandrGrigorevichVozmilov (in the middle) and PhD student Denis Korobkov (on the right).

The “Student Formula” contesthas beenholding during several years by the Association of Automobile Engineers in Russia. Today it is an entire movement, the main aim of which is the formation of competitive educational environment for engineering universities and the organization of all-Russian educational site for the development of students’ creative potential with engineering specialties. In the framework of this contest the student teams are to design, create and test on their own acting prototypes of automobiles with petrol, hybrid and electric driving gear of the ‘Formula’ class by ‘Formula Student (Formula SAE)’ series with further presentation and defense of their projects in the form of annual competitions held according to international regulations.

“Today there‘re over 500 teams like that in 50 countries all over the world. First teams were formed in Moscow in 2005, today there are 24 teams in Russia, and we also have such team,” tells the Head of Student Construction Bureau (SCB) under the Faculty of Automobile and Tractor Engineering, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor Aleksandr Vozmilov.


We should mention that this Construction Bureau has been existing since 2012. Its foundation was preceded by the initiative group of students who were interested in ‘Formula’ project. This year the work on the first bolide was completed in SUSU. “Ural Heart” is the titleof the team that was organized on the basis of SUSU.

For several yearsthe members of SCBhas been taking part in numerous scientific and technical conferences, engineering exhibitions and forums at the regional, national and international level. The experience that is gotten by students who are involved in the development of equipment and control systems for bolides becomes the basis for Master's theses and dissertations.


“Our goal was to develop the system with the help of which it could be possible to control one, two (and more) electric engines under the conditions of extreme load and enhance the total rotational moment of engines at the star, tells the PhD student of the Department of Electrics and Automobile and Tractor EngineeringElectric Systems Denis Korobkov, I think that the victory in ‘U.M.N.I.K’ contest is the result of well-coordinated work of our team and our leader.”

Members of the Construction Bureau are undergraduate and graduate students, as well as PhD students of South Ural State University. There are also representatives of other departments, because the approach to the design and developments should be multidisciplinary.

Thus, the supervision and management of the project is implemented by TimofeiLoginov, the student of EiU-430 group. The student of the Faculty of Architecture Konstantin Volozhenin (A-672) deals with the design of electric bolide. And Olga Chelenkova, the student of the Faculty of Power Engineering (E-286) is a Bureau secretary.

And the majority of SCB are students and PhDs of the Faculty of Automobile and Tractor Engineering:

GrigoriiSalimonenko(accumulator batteries) – АТ-127

EfimKonev (bolide frame) – АТ- 221

EvgeniiNaumov (pedal box) – АТ-221

AleksandrLopuhov(steering control) – АТ- 221

AntonSoiustov(steering control) – АТ- 221

EvgeniiTcymbaluk(mounting) – АТ- 241

AleksandrVasiutkin(mounting) – АТ- 241

IvanSivkov(mounting) – АТ-241

DenisKorobkov(electric traction drive) – АТ-1131

ViacheslavKalmakov(accumulator batteries) – АТ-2131

AleksandrBakanov(electronic control system) – АТ-1245

Amongthe 10 winnersinthesection ‘NewInstrumentationandHardwareSystems’ the team of SCB won the right to conclude a state contract with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in science and technology to perform research works in the framework of the topic of the project in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. We congratulate them on their victory!

RecentlyonFebruary 9, theteamofthe Student Construction Bureauconsisted of 12 people went to the IV All-Russian Forum ‘Student Engineering Projects’ which will be held at the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (Moscow) on the 11-12th of February. 

The information on the formation and development of scientific schools of the Faculty of Automobile and Tractor Engineeringcan be found here.


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