Graduate of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation of SUSU Anna Fleischmann has been living in the USA for 4 years. During her visit to Russia she stopped by her Alma Mater.
- Anna, where do you work in the United States?
А.F.: The first time I went to the USA in 2009 with the Work&Travel program after the second year of my education on the Faculty of Linguistics of SUSU. Already back then my level of English was enough to communicate with people and feel myself comfortable abroad. After I came back home I continued to study at the University and improve my level of English. This helped me to find a job in the United States after graduation. Now I am working in a bank. In the USA this does not require special economic education; the main thing is that the applicant for the position should have complete higher education because it means that the candidate has specific skills required for the job. Before the start of the job I have passed a special training which lasted six months and consisted of various seminars, workshops, and lectures. Also all employees undertake advanced training courses every three months. Although banking sector is far from my major I was curious to try it. In the future I plan to continue my education in the field of linguistics.

- Was it hard for you to undertake those trainings?
А.F.: It was easy thanks to my education at the Faculty of Linguistics of SUSU which prepares universal specialists. Special vocabulary was familiar to me. I should also say that the selection of applicants for the position is very severe as a high
level of training is required. We need to be competent in our professional field, be able to conduct business communication, and to inspire confidence and trust. I have not encountered any language difficulties either during the training process or at work. Often customers do not believe me when I say that I am not an American.
- Anna, what are your future academic plans?
А.F.: When I graduated from the faculty of linguistics I was preparing the documents for admission to a US university. It is known that the Russian translation of the diploma into English very long and laborious process in accordance with American standards because they have very high requirements for the program. It turned out that our training programs are so full and extensive that my education at the Faculty of Linguistics of SUSU actually equated to an incomplete master degree in the USA.
I have two options now. The first one is to pass GRE which includes quantitative and qualitative tests required for admission to post graduate studies, master's degree or other post-graduate courses in the US high school and continue my education in the field of Speech Therapy. The second one is to get a license for teaching English in the United States. K-12 license allows you to teach English as a foreign language which is in demand in the United States due to the large number of immigrants and their children. I am sure that thanks to my level of English obtained at South Ural State University I will not have problems at the stage of selection for the post of a teacher.
- Anna, thank you very much for the interview, good luck in your future endeavours!
А.F.: Thank you very much and thank you, the Faculty of Linguistics of SUSU for the opportunity to choose my career and my life!
Contact person on the news: Mariia Iliina, tel.: 267-99-83