On the 10th of February in the framework of “Science of SUSU” Forum devoted to the Day of Russian Science, “Foresight is the Method of Active Prognostics” business game for PhDs will be held. The main goal of this game is planning the Road Map events of the Project 5-100 by efforts of young scientists. At the present moment you may review a working draft of the Road Map at the official website in the Project 5-100 Section / Events of the Road Map http://www.susu.ru/ru/about/project-5-100
Today there are more than 70 events in the project of events of the Road Map in the framework of the Project 5-100. During the game the young scientists will discover and analyze issues that are more perspective and capable to operate for the development of the University as a scientific center of the global level.
The business game includes three rounds. During the first round the participants of the game will be divided into groups and study the structure of the Road Map. Summarizing the results, each group must choose one joint decision.
In the second round, 15 decisions gained more affection by the audience will be selected. The second part will take a half of an hour, during which each team estimates all 15 initiatives using the three-point scale – “Ambition”, “Medium Value”, and “Real Decision”. Further, as the result of ranging more significant events for the University will be selected.
During the third round, the participants of the game must estimate critically the initiatives offered during the brainstorming, simulate them and make them clearer.
During the business game, the young scientists of SUSU must see in detail into what the most important events of the Road Map of the Project 5-100 are, propose constructing resolutions and probably take part in their further implementation. That is why one of the most important tasks of the forthcoming event is to attract young scientists to the project who will be able to consider some technologies in unexpected aspect and initiate non-standard decisions.