Join New Economic Talent 2016

The competition of economic papers New Economic Talent 2016 is open to bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s students, as well as recent graduates in any field, who are interested in modern economic problems and want to better understand phenomena and processes that form the world economy.

To participate in the competition students should submit an interesting paper on economics or other research studies which have economic conclusions. The participants have an opportunity to get $ 1000 USD and an invitation to CERGE-EI special events.

The paper may cover any topic in the field of economics (for example, microeconomics, macroeconomics, monetary policy, pubic finance, theoretical economics, econometrics, behavioral economics, etc.). Application deadline: March 15, 2016.

In the first round participants submit their paper works (20-60 pages) and abstracts (1-2 pages). In the second round 3-5 finalists present their works in the Center for Economic Research at Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences CERGE-EI in Prague on May 26, 2016.

The evaluation criteria: originality, contents, analytical nature, clarity of writing.


For further details please visit

Contact person: Ksenia Mashkova, tel.: 267-99-83


Контактное лицо по новости: Ксения Машкова, тел: 267-99-83
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