Interconnected English language training and specialization is one of the principles of organization of joint project of the Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of Information Systems. The purpose of the project is the organization of independent work of students on the basis of the synthesis of a foreign language and professional disciplines. This approach is possible with the help of information technologies: E-magazine ‘IT-Daily’, personal blogs of teachers, and students' blogs where they post all the tasks in English starting from the first year of education.
This year the admission to exams in the second year of education in English were poster presentations of student projects on basic specialties ‘How to create a computer game’ and ‘How to design a website’. Head of educational practice of the Department of Information Systems, senior lecturer V. Kosterin, has noted the creativeness of the student group EIT 234 for the presentation of the results of project activities and good command of professional English.
Contact person on the news: Ksenia Mashkova, 267-99-83