German-Russian Forum has announced a competition for participation in the scholarship program ‘Internship for Young Journalists in 2016’. As a result of the selection of well-known German media, namely Der Spiegel, Badische Zeitung, Braunschweiger Zeitung, Deutschlandradio, Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Märkische Oderzeitung, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Nordwest-Zeitung, n-tv, Ostsee-Zeitung, Rundfunk Berlin- Brandenburg, ZDF are to accept students from Russia for internship.
The scholarship program "‘Internship for Journalists 2016 – Advanced Training for Young Journalists from Russia’organized by the German-Russian Forum in collaboration with the Free Russian-German Institute for Journalism (FRGIJ) of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Each year 15 scholarships for a seven-week program have been given for more than 20 years.
The scholarship includes:
• 7-week stay in Germany with journalist internships and seminars from July 24 to September 11, 2016
• 6-week internship at Badische Zeitung, Ostsee-Zeitung, Märkische Oderzeitung and other German media.
• Three journalists' seminars in Berlin
• All expenditures (costs for travel and accommodation), medical insurance, help with visa, supervision on the part of the German-Russian Forum
• Scholarships in the amount of 600 Euro.
Terms and conditions for participants:
• Education in one of the Russian universities (at least 4 semesters)
• Journalistic experience
• Good knowledge of the German language (both written and oral).
To participate you must submit your application (cover letter with motivation letter in German, autobiography in the form of a table in German, list of your publications and 5 of your publications to choose from) in a single file in PDF by e-mail before February 28, 2016 to Mr. Marcel Blessing -Shumilin in the German-Russian Forum in Berlin: blessing-shumilin[at]deutsch-russisches-forum[dot]de
Qualifying round will be held at the end of March 2016 in Moscow. Payment of travel expenditures shall be paid with the agreement of the organizer.
For more information contact Mr. Blessing-Shumilin at Tel .: +49 30 / 263907-31. You can also find additional information on the website.