Results are in for the “UMNIK” Contest


Regional scientific and technological conference “Youth. Science. Innovation – 2015” came to a close November 18-20 at South Ural State University.

Participants in the conference came from Russian universities SUSU, SUSMU, SUSAU, CGU, MSTU, MEFI, USAU, and more, as well as commercial organizations. This program was accredited within the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises’ “UMNIK” program . (

The contest was held in two stages. In the first (distance) stage, the applicants needed to submit: their project thesis, a description of the innovation in their work, an analysis existing projects/products on their market, a developmental plan, and possible risks. In the final, the young researchers defended their projects before the contest’s committee. In total, 90 projects were chosen through the selection process to advance to the final stage. The 40 best earned the right to sign governmental contracts to further their presented projects, to the sum of 400,000 rubles with FASIE.

SUSU submitted around 300 projects to the contest in the following areas:

  • Area 1. “Information Technology”
  • Area 2. “Medicine of the Future”
  • Area 3. “Modern materials and Technology for their Development.”
  • Area 4. “New instruments and Hardware Systems”.
  • Area 5. “Biotechnology”.

At the end of the contest selection process, 33 young researchers from SUSU were named winners!

We would also like to congratulate winners from South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk State University, South Ural State Agrarian University, and G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.

List of winners

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