Veronika Shayakhmetova, second-year student of Mass Media Department, took part in the activity of All-Russian Club of Young Journalists created by Development Center of Youth Mass Media with the assistance of Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in September 2012.
The main purpose of the Club is provision of professional self-realization opportunity for Faculty of Journalism graduates and young specialists who already work in the informational space and are eager to build a successful career in the Federal mass media.
Within the framework of the project in Moscow in the end of March 2013 International Youth Media Forum "Russia in the modern world - informational space" was held; participants of that Forum were the students of Russian universities including Veronika Shayakhmetova, student of Faculty of Journalism of South Ural State University. She won initial round of the contest and got a personal invitation from Moscow to attend Media Forum master classes of famous Russian politicians and foreign journalists from Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Austria and others. As the result the student of SUSU Faculty of Journalism got a great additional practice in language interaction and professional cooperation in the sphere of mass communications.
Event date:
Tuesday, 2 April, 2013 - 08:00