Trade and Economic Faculty professor is founder of new scientific school

8 February, 2013 by Decision of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey F. Chernenko, PhD of Economics and Professor of Marketing and Management department of Trade and Economic Faculty, was given the Honorary Title of “Founder of Scientific School”.

Alexey F. Chernenko is the founder and director of the only in South Urals region scientific school “Development of accounting and analytic assurance of enterprises financial management”. Apart from the Honorary Title A.F. Chernenko was warded with gold medal named after academician V.I. Vernandsky. This medal is usually given for the achievements in the sphere of natural sciences and humanities.

At the present time within the framework of scientific school, headed by Mr. Chernenko, the following research projects are carried out: “Development of backward calculation method for military-industrial complex enterprises” (O.A. Afonina); “Improvement of marginal analysis methods” (N.M. Nekorysnova); “Development and improvement of accounting, audit and economic analysis methods for warehouse warrants” (S.G. Katkova); “Accounting, audit and references in integrated reporting of ecological index” (N.I. Murasheva); “Improvement of analytical possibilities of funds movement at military-industrial complex enterprises” (T.Y. Onokoy); “Informational and methodical assurance of recording and analysis of economic effect of annuity contracts execution” (A.V. Perepelovsky) and others. The range of themes, involved into the research of A.F. Chernenko’s students, reflects the efficiency and broad perspectives of the scientific school development.

The fact of giving the title of “Founder of scientific school” strengthens a new research direction within which the supervisor works more efficiently. Thus it guides the young scientists who are still choosing their research direction.

Certainly, the recognition of Alexey F. Chernenko’s achievements at All-Russian academic level positively influences the image of Trade and Economic Faculty and the image of National Research University in whole.

Colleagues and Dean’s Office staff of Trade and Economic Faculty sincerely congratulate Alexey Chernenko on this Honorary Title and wish him further scientific success and achievements!


Event date: 
Monday, 1 April, 2013 - 15:30
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