In the run-up to February 23 Trade and Economic Faculty organized the event for all male SUSU students, and not only for them! Girls had no less great time at the event!
On the 2nd floor of the University building No.2 during the lunch break the warfare started at several scenes. The biggest computer games fans fought with each other by means of X-box devices.
Meanwhile in the central part of the hall a real battle for the title of the best Arm-wrestler of the University took place. At first students were quite shy, coming up to the table, but the example of the hosts (including the bravest girls from the Faculty trade union section) inspired the guests and participants started their competition.
It was really exciting! The hall got divided into supporting teams and shouted for their heroes just like in the real contest.
Among the winners in the “arm” tournament, who, by the way, received sweet awards – Vladislav Popov (group 141, Trade and Economic Faculty, Management and Marketing Department), Rinat Sibagatullin (first-year student of Economics and Management Faculty), Vadim Zavaruev (second-year student of Power Engineering Faculty) and Artyom Kovalenko (first-year student of Power Engineering Faculty).
The two-times winner of the contest became Vladimir Selkhanov, student of Trade and Economic Faculty, group 220, “Commerce” major. The winner said that he was a frequent gym-goer.
During the break all the guests could enjoy the performance of girls from studio school of women’s choreography “Chicago Queens”. The girls in camouflage inflamed the whole hall, which was turned into an improvised dance floor.
Arm-wrestling stirred the spirit of competitiveness in peaceful students and, when everything was over, they were discussing the results of the fight for a long time. The event for real men was a great success!
Photos by Andrey Vaganov