Graduates of SUSU Geological Faculty are on the Chukchi Peninsula

The graduates of SUSU Geological Faculty are always highly demanded specialists and interns.

The graduates of Geological Faculty of Miass SUSU branch Anna Pivikova and Stas Fedorov went to explore the Chukchi Peninsula. To be more specific – they are participating in searching for gold in the Valunistoe gold and silver field. They spent half a year over there and then came back to Miass. Though after their winter holidays they will continue their work.

Besides the professional skills and offers concerning the next field season the young specialists got a teamwork experience and experience of living in the field conditions. Sometimes the field conditions even turned into the combat ones. For example, once they saw a bear which came into the kitchen through an open window. The bear smelled a recently cooked pie but then the guest had to run away because the woman, who cooked that pie started yelling and braking the dishes. Also there was a situation when the river water took away the water-carrying truck which was left on the ford of the river. In the permafrost conditions water flows very fast and the rivers and brooks become hard to cross. Once, our young geologists saw an endless stream of reindeer as the animals followed the geological route.

The Northeast regions are rich in mineral resources though they are not completely explored by geologists because of a number of reasons. It is a dream of every geologist to start his or her career in a desert land! Besides Ann and Stas there were a lot of specialists who started their career in the East. Some of them still continue working there.

We are proud of our graduating students – they are our successors who honorably represent our South Ural State University at the geological map of Russia!
Event date: 
Wednesday, 13 February, 2013 - 10:00
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