For the Day of Russian Science the Faculty of Journalism academic committee, led by professor T.F. Semyan, organized the exhibition of scientific and academic editions, issued by the Faculty during 2011-2012.
The exhibition displayed the genres, most demanded by today’s higher education tendencies, demonstrating the priority of scientific direction at the Faculty of Journalism – information packages of traditional international theoretical and practical conferences (“The literary text of XX century: the problems of poetics”, “Topical problems of journalism in the age of information space globalization”, “Language. Culture. Communication”), annually organized by the departments of the Faculty of Journalism, and also collective monographs of the departments (“The semantics of language units”, “Journalistic education in media convergence environment”).
A special part of the exhibition includes editions, oriented to the innovational education technologies. The monograph of the Faculty Dean, professor Lyudmila P. Shestyorkina, Doctor of Science (Philology), “Pedagogical management of journalistic education at higher education institution” routes one of the strategic lines in journalistic education in Russia.
The recognition of scientific and academic importance of works, done by scientists and professors of the Faculty of Journalism is proved by the Labels of Academic Union on classic university education (manuals, written by the Head of Mass Communications Department Lydia K. Lobodenko, “Advertising campaign and mediaplanning”, and by Associate Professor of Mass Media Department Nadezhda K. Polyaeva “Stylistics and literary editing”).
Apart from that, the editions unique for regional university education were presented – editions which are valuable for successful realization of educational programmes suitable for modern education standards – guidance manual written by professor E.V. Ponomareva and E.V. Tezina “Master’s scientific research work and preparation for State Final Examination”, and textbook “Polish language”, written by Associate Professor of the Russian Language and Literature Department Denis A. Pelikhov.
The exhibition proved high scientific and academic potential of the Faculty of Journalism teaching staff, the Faculty orientation towards the achievements of modern world and national science, innovative tendencies of higher education.
After the Day of Russian Science the exhibition exposure was moved to SUSU-TV room on the 10th floor.