This award is the confirmation of significant importance of the international activity of our University which in recent years became one of the most important parts of SUSU educational process.
Viktor Mikhaylovich had started to develop international activity being the Dean of Trade and Economic Faculty. For some years the Faculty acquired close friendship and partnership relations with many western higher educational institutions – universities of the USA, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and it still continues to be the leader among the faculties according to the number of its own international programs for students and professors.
Taking into account his rich experience, Viktor Mikhaylovich continued his work in SUSU being the Vice Rector of International Activity. For one and a half year the applicants from 23 countries of near and far abroad became the students of the University, a great number of the international educational programs had been implemented: from language training in the European universities to the programs of professional education which allow to obtain double diplomas and qualification of the international level.
“I consider this recognition not as the personal success but as the achievement of well coordinated team work of Institute of International Education and Department of International Cooperation” – says Viktor Mikhaylovich. “We have already achieved very good results acting as one team. Now more than 1000 foreign students study in SUSU. But we have a lot of work to do. We are actively developing and strengthening the international relations: we represent the achievements of the University at world educational exhibitions and forums, we cooperate with the leading American, European and Asian universities, we expand programs of academic mobility and double diplomas for bachelors, undergraduates and graduate students of SUSU”.
The staff of Trade and Economic Faculty congratulates Viktor Mikhaylovich and his colleagues with this recognition and wishes them new impressive success in the development of the international activity of the University!