Competition purposes:
• creation of the global information environment which will allow to make business contacts between Radiotechnics Department of the branch and departments of other branches and universities of the same specialties and fields of study;
• exchange of experience in teaching special disciplines;
• identification of talented students and their creative potential;
• mending the business contacts between enterprises and organizations of Kyshtym and the branch and talented students.
The students of the following fields of study from Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Region and Ural Region are welcomed for the competition: 210000 Electronic Engineering, Radio Engineering and Communication (including 210300, 210302 Radiotechnics, 210304 Radio-Electronic Systems, 210402 Means of Communication with Mobile Units), 220000 Automatic Equipment and Management (including 220200 Automation and Management, 220201 Management and Computer Science in Technical Systems», 220301 Automation of Technological Processes and Production (in different branches), 220100 System Analysis and Management»), 230000 Computer Science and Computer Machines (including 230100 Computer Science and Computer Machines, 230102 Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management, 230200 Information Systems).
The papers accepted and defended no more than 3 years ago are admitted.
The competition results for the participants of the various specialities are brought separately.
The requests are admitted up to March 1, 2013 inclusively.
Join Branch web site for more detailed information and results of the previous competition.
E-mail: kyshtym_susu[at]inbox[dot]ru