Scolarships ERANET-MUNDUS and ERANET-PLUS! Hurry up to take part!

Dear applicants!
We are glad to inform you about a great opportunity to take part in a new program of students exchange between European and Russian universities.

Program ERANET-MUNDUS is a program which provides scholarship for Russian and European students-bachelors, Master's Degree students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates and also employees of Higher Educational Institutions. The educational program includes a great variety of scientific fields at the universities of Europe and Russia. The applications can be sent now! Do not lose such a unique chance!

Also we are glad to tell you about the start up of the second program - ERANET PLUS (European-Russian program of academic mobility). The program provides a great number of grants for studying at the universities mentioned in program ERANET-MUNDUS and also at the University of Granada in Spain and Moscow State Linguistics University in Russia. The first admission of applications has already started! Please, send your applications as soon as possible and you will have a chance to get the scholarship!

Do not lose such a great opportunity to be a student of a foreign university!

Web sites of the programs:

Contact information:
SUSU Institute of International Education, 78-v Lenin Ave., room 302-303
Tel./fax: +7(351) 272-31-11, +7(351) 272-31-00.

Event date: 
Thursday, 6 December, 2012 - 12:00
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