On the 15th of November, Thursday, at 17:00 in room 140/3 (SUSU movie hall) the movie club "Zhivoe Kino" will show the movie "Black Swan" by Daren Aronofski and then hold a discussion of it.
Those people around her can not help. First, not all of them are well-wishing and, second, these probles can not be solved with the help of others.
Why Tchaikovsky's ballet has been chosen? Tchaikovsky's ballet is very clear and easy for perception, and may be that is why this ballet is very popular in the USA. Especially, Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" is almost a national American ballet.
And may be for the purpose of simplification Mr. Aronofski gives such a strange tone to the events, mostly inner ones which exist only in the imagination, a tone of whether real events or delusions.
The movie is simple and quite clear, all the necessary explanations Mr. Aronofski gives directly in the movie. The duration of the movie is 1 hour 50 minutes.
Event date:
Thursday, 15 November, 2012 - 17:00