The article "University multimedia 360-degree newsroom in the context of modern media strategies" written by Professor Lyudmila Shesterkina, Dean of SUSU Faculty of Journalism, Doctor of Science (Philology), has been published in the collection of scientific papers called "Media strategies in present-day world".
The publication of Kuban State University Faculty of Jourmalism is highly appreciated in the journalists professional association which is actively involved in creation of annual collection of scientific papers. Among the authors whose articles have been accepted for the sixth publication there are respected specialists in the sphere of mass-media, professors, Doctors of Science (Philology) of Kuban State University and other higher educational institutes of Russia and foreign countries.
In the article Lyudmila Petrovna covers the basic principles of university multimedia 360-degree newsroom functioning which is implemented at Faculty of Journalism of South Ural State University. The author of the article pays particular attention to the role of this innovative project involved in the process of education and training of journalists of universal type.