Major: 13.00.01 General Education, History of Pedagogy and Education
Level: Postgraduate studies
Duration of training: 3 years / 4 years
Degree certificate: Diploma
Mode of study: Full time / part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager:
- Irina Kotliarova, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, kotliarovaio[at]susu[dot]ru;
- Gennadiy Serikov, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, serikovgn[at]susu[dot]ru.
Description of the educational programme
The field of professional activity of the graduates includes the research on the pedagogical processes, educational systems and their patterns; developing and using of pedagogical technologies for solving the tasks of education, science, culture, and social sphere.
The objects of professional activity of the graduates, who have mastered this postgraduate programme, are the educational and sociocultural systems, the processes of training, educating, developing, socialization; pedagogical expert review and monitoring.
Field of future profession
Types of professional activity:
- research-and-development activity in education and social sphere;
- teaching activity using the higher education programmes.
This postgraduate programme aims at mastering all the types of professional activity, which the graduates are trained for.
This 13.00.01 programme's main topic is the education management, and pedagogical facilitation to the human resources development.
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Room 526, University Building No.3
Tel.: +7(351)267-94-80