Anna Nenasheva
DSc (Biology), Associate Professor
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service
Field of Research:
1. Analysis of mechanisms of nervous and humoral regulation, genetic, molecular, biochemical processes which determine dynamics and interaction of physiological functions. 2.
2. Study of the regularities of functioning of the main body systems (blood circulation, respiration).
3. Study of physiological processes dynamics at all stages of organism development.
4. Study of physiological mechanisms of human adaptation to different geographical, ecological, labor and social conditions.
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-99-68
E-mail: nenashevaav[at]susu[dot]ru
Vadim Erlikh
D.Sc. (Biology), Associate Professor
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service
Field of Research:
1. Analysis of mechanisms of nervous and humoral regulation, genetic, molecular, biochemical processes which determine dynamics and interaction of physiological functions. 2.
2. Study of the regularities of functioning of the main body systems (blood circulation, respiration).
3. Study of physiological processes dynamics at all stages of organism development.
4. Study of physiological mechanisms of human adaptation to different geographical, ecological, labor and social conditions.
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-98-49
E-mail: erlikhvv[at]susu[dot]ru
Evgenii Cherepov
DSc (Pedagogy), Associate Professor
Ученая степень: Доктор педагогических наук
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service
Field of Research:
1. Analysis of mechanisms of nervous and humoral regulation, genetic, molecular, biochemical processes which determine dynamics and interaction of physiological functions. 2.
2. Study of the regularities of functioning of the main body systems (blood circulation, respiration).
3. Study of physiological processes dynamics at all stages of organism development.
4. Study of physiological mechanisms of human adaptation to different geographical, ecological, labor and social conditions.
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-90-17
E-mail: cherepovea[at]susu[dot]ru