Vitaliy Pavlovich Tanana
Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Head of the Department of Computational Mathematics
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science
Prof Tanana is a well-known expert in the field of ill-posed problems and their solution. Prof Tanana’s areas of scientific research include methods of solving inverse problems for linear and non-linear differential operator equations; the development and study of methods for solving certain inverse problems in mathematical physics; the development and study of methods for solving ill-posed problems in mathematical physics. Prof Tanana developed formulas for assessing the accuracy of methods for solving such problems, which take into account the solution information, in particular, approximate and sustainable methods for the solution of operator equations of the first kind, and the calculation of unbounded operator in the case of the inaccurate initial data or the operator. Prof Tanana researched the situation of the violation of other correction conditions (according to J. Hadamard).
The research results have found their practical application in a number of areas, for example, geophysics. The results were published in 5 monographs and numerous papers. His research work on the theory of ill-posed problems was awarded the Ural State University Prize in 1983.
One doctoral and 17 PhD dissertations were defended under Prof Tanana’s supervision. Among his best students are researchers A. R. Danilin, L. D. Menikhes, M. A. Rekant, S. I. Yanchenko.
Prof Tanana has taken part in many scientific conferences; he has given lectures on the theory of ill-posed problems in several scientific centers such as Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of RAS, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of RAS, and Ural State University.