Leonid Borisovich Sokolinsky
Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Vice-Rector for Informatization
Head of the Department of System Programming
Prof Sokolinsky was born on February 15, 1960 in Chelyabinsk. In 1982, he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at Chelyabinsk State University (CSU). From 1982 till 1985, he worked as a teacher of mathematics and computer science at school No. 31 in Chelyabinsk. In 1990, he defended his PhD dissertation at Moscow State University. His dissertation topic was Technological Complex for the Program Development of TIP-programming Technology for MVK Elbrus. In 2003. Prof Sokolinsky defended his doctoral dissertation in Physical and Mathematical Sciences on the topic of Organizations Methods of Organization for Parallel Database Systems on Computing Systems with Mass Parallelism. Until 2004, he had worked as Head of the Department of System Programming at CSU. Then he began working at South Ural State University as Head of the Department of System Programming. From 2011 till 2013, he worked as Dean of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Informatics at South Ural State University. Today, he is Vice–Rector for Informatization at SUSU. Prof Sokolinsky delivers a special course on database systems for the English-language Master's degree program. Under his supervision, the Laboratory for Supercomputer Modeling was opened at the University.
Prof Sokolinsky’s research interests include the following areas: systems of creation and support for problem-oriented database; system software for supercomputers; parallel computational technologies; distributed computations and cloud technologies; e-learning; mathematical programming. His studies are supported by numerous grants of RFBR and the Ministry of education, for example: RFBR grant No. 15-29-07959 “Development of Methods and Algorithms for Scheduling Streaming Applications when Solving Engineering Analysis Problems in Distributed Computing Systems” (2015–2017); state contract of the Federal Target Program No. 14.574.21.0035 “Development of Technologies for Parallel Processing of Large-Scale Data Volume Using the Columnar Representation and Data Compression on Cluster Computing Systems with Multicore Accelerators and Creation of parallel DBMS on Their Basis” (2014–2015); state contract of the Federal Target Program No. 14.514.11.4106 “Development of Construction Principles and Formation of Application Repository Based on Workflows for Large Supercomputer Systems with Multicore Accelerators” (2013); RFBR grant No. 12-01-00452 “Development of Methods and Algorithms for Solving Non-Stationary Tasks of Linear Optimization and Pattern Recognition on Exaflop Multiprocessor Systems» (2012–2014); RFBR-Ural grant No. 10-07-96007 “Development of Useful Human Body Models for Predictive Simulation Using Supercomputer Systems” (2010–2012); RFBR grant No. 09-07-00241-а “Algorithms and Methods for Parallel Request Processing in Database Systems for Multiprocessor Systems with Hierarchical Structure” (2009–2011); RFBR grant No. 06-07-89148 “Technology and Organization Methods of Database Systems for Computing Clusters and GRID” (2006–2008); RFBR grant No. 03-07-90031 “Models and Methods of Design and Development of Parallel Database Systems with Cluster Architecture” (2003–2005); RFBR grant No. 00-07-90077 “Development of Parallel Database Management System for Multiprocessor Computer Systems МВС-100/1000” (2000–2002).
Prof Sokolinsky has supervised 7 PhDs:
- E.V. Ivanova - Methods for Parallel Processing of Oversized Databases Using Distributed Speaker Indexes (2015).
- A. V. Shamakina - Resource Management Methods in Problem-Oriented Distributed Computing Environments (2014).
- P. S. Kostenecky - Modeling and Analysis of Hierarchical Multiprocessor Database Systems (2010).
- G. I. Radchenko - Service-Oriented Approach to the Use of System Engineering Analysis in Distributed Computing Environments (2009).
- T. Yu. Limar - Modelling of Parallel Request Processing in Multiprocessor Systems with Distributed Memory (2002)
- M. L. Tsymbler - Methods of Software Construction for Data Management in Computing Systems with Massive Parallelism (2000).
Prof Sokolinsky is the author of over 100 publications. He has participated in many scientific conferences such as: Using Intel Xeon Phi for Natural Join Execution on In-memory Compressed Data (IXPUG/RU workshop, Saint-Petersburg, June 9–10, 2016); XV All-Russian Conference Mathematical Programming and Applications, Yekaterinburg, March 2-6, 2015; 4th Moscow Supercomputer Forum, Moscow, October 23, 2013; Education Platform Virtual Personal Computer (International Scientific Conference Scientific Service on the Internet, Novosibirsk, September 19-24, 2011); Innovative Education Platform Virtual personal computer Based on Cloud Computing for High Schools (I International Conference Electronic School 2011, Kazan, September 14–16, 2011); XIV All-Russian Conference Mathematical Programming and Applications, Yekaterinburg, February 28 – March 4, 2011; Query Evaluation Techniques for Cluster Database Systems (ADBIS 2010, Serbia, September 20–24, 2010); LFU-K: An Effective Buffer Management Replacement Algorithm (DASFAA 2004); Design and Evaluation of Database Multiprocessor Architecture with High Data Availability (PaDD'2001); Choosing Multiprocessor System Architecture for Parallel Database Systems (CSIT'2000); Operating System Support for a Parallel DBMS with an Hierarchical Shared-Nothing Architecture (ADBIS'99); Interprocessor Communication Support in the Omega Parallel Database System (CSIT'99).
Under Sokolinsky’s supervision in 2015, the Department of System Programming published 48 papers; 13 of them were indexed in Scopus and Web of Science; and 10 papers were published in journals from the HIGHER CERTIFICATION COMMISSION (HCC) list. Prof Sokolinsky has written and co-written 17 papers; 5 of them were indexed in Scopus, and 4 of them appeared in the journals from the HCC list.
Currently, Prof Sokolinsky is the Dissertation Council Chairman at SUSU; a member of the Expert Council on Info-Communication Technology and Computing Systems of the Russian Foundation (2005-2011, 2015 – present), Head of Master’s program Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technologies; Head of PhD program Mathematical and Computer Software, Complexes and Computer Networks (since 2006); member of the Education Board Presidium on Applied Mathematics and Informatics (since 2010); Executive Editor of SUSU Bulletin. Series: Computational Mathematics and Informatics (since 2012); Executive Editor of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (2014); member of the Program Committee of Annual International Scientific Conference DEXA.
In 2015, thanks to Prof Sokolinsky and his Department SUSU received 16 340 000,00 RUB. Leonid Borisovich Sokolinsky is a manager of two Department grants.
Prof Sokolinsky is an established scientist known for his intelligence, sociability, self-discipline and a wide range of interests. Apart from information technology, he enjoys skiing, reading fiction and watching movies.