Address: 454080, 76 Lenin prospect, Chelyabinsk
Residence hall #2 (1st floor)
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-97-67
E-mail: studgorodok[at]susu[dot]ru
Web site:
South Ural State University campus is the largest residential complex and cultural and sports center in Russia, and is ranked among the best university campuses in the country. Located in the center of the city, the university campus comprises 8 residence halls and all necessary for comfortable living: cafeteria, a hairdressing salon, groceries, computer lab, cafe and a lot more. A vast green belt — Gagarin park — is located nearby for recreation and pleasure. SUSU academic buildings, policlinic for students, swimming pool, sports center, etc. are located nearby.
In all residence halls Internet access is provided for convenience. Campus network users have lots of opportunities to study and entertain. At campus, students have access to all information resources of the university, such as file servers and Web sites of their faculties and departments, research library Web site and SUSU electronic resources catalog as well as major foreign databases. Additionally, residence halls are comprised of studying rooms, fitness facilities for weightlifting, fitness, and recreational gymnastics, as well as rest rooms with TVs. At the university campus, all the necessary conditions are provided so that every student can find an appropriate activity.
The doors of residence halls are always open for students and guests of South Ural State University!