Every year South Ural State University fulfills 10-12 joint Master Degree education programs known as “Double-Degree Programs” with the universities of USA, Europe, China and Kazakhstan. The advantages of such programs include: awarding of 2 diplomas to a student; within the framework of such programs in foreign universities students undergo intensive training in English and are provided with an opportunity of getting an internship in major companies; some programs even offer scholarships from the two universities students are studying at. All the SUSU partners under Double-Degree programs are listed among the world’s leading universities according to the international rankings.
Also through the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation University, SUSU works with the institutions of higher education of China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kirghizia, sends students to study in Europe under international grants of Erasmus+ Programme, fulfills the academic mobility programs under 15 fields of training with 7 universities of China, and organizes annual summer schools on studying Russian for foreign students.
For detailed information on studying abroad please contact Center for International Education Programs:
Office 161 Main University Building
Tel.: +7 351 272 32 22
Academic mobility programs
Double-degree programs
Joint-degree programs
Summer programs