SUSU has a strong record in attracting international students and the university does its best to encourage local students to consider the opportunity of studying abroad at one of its partner universities as part of their degree study.
Academic mobility is considered virtually indispensable for integration into the global educational community. SUSU has a number of the agreements with overseas universities, and some of them are meant specifically to facilitate student exchange, while others include exchange as part of a wider Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The students of SUSU Academic Mobility Programs study at both universities according to the Joint curriculum, which means that any academic credit earned at the host university shall be transferred to the home university in accordance with procedures determined by the latter.
Currently SUSU offers approximately 15 academic mobility (single semester abroad) programs. The exact number of programs on offer is subject to change:
Zhejian Ocean University (China) – We have been offering joint non-degree programs since 2012. More than 230 Chinese students from Zhejian Ocean University have already visited SUSU, and more than 280 Russian students have had the opportunity to improve their educational record in Zhoushan, the town they usually fall in love with in an instant – excitement and a passionate response naturally stem from the fact that it is a seaside resort.
SUSU provides opportunities for undergraduate students of all disciplines. Chinese students consistently enroll for study on such programs as Linguistics, Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Construction, Civil Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Engineering, Finance and Banking, Economics and Accounting, Management, Mechanical Engineering. This is also the case with Russians who are eager to visit Zhejian Ocean University. We select nominees for each discipline on the basis of available nomination places, academic merit and the applicant’s suitability for the program offered at the Host university. The Director of the appropriate School/Institute has the right to approve or decline the student’s nomination.
Heihe University (China) – The University of Heihe is located close to the RF-China border and runs one of the most popular Chinese language programs. The program is a must for SUSU undergraduate students enrolled on Asian Studies, who take 9 of their courses in China (including conversational Modern Chinese Classes, tai chi, Chinese culture, economy and politics, Chinese art and calligraphy), while really experiencing the culture the depths of which they have chosen to explore. Annually 15-20 Russian students plunge into the unknown leaving Russia to spend a year in China, while SUSU welcomes 20-30 Chinese students from Heihe University willing to learn Russian.
You register and is liable for tuition fees at SUSU. Both institutions have agreed to waive tuition and registration fees for the incoming exchange students on a reciprocal basis. Both universities are also willing to provide free university housing under the condition of reciprocal waivers of accommodation fees. But it is essential that students should cover medical insurance costs, costs associated with transportation to and from the host university and their living expenses.
Dalian University of Foreign Languages (China) It is one of our new student exchange partnerships. The program is for high-achieving undergraduate students who can communicate in Chinese using sophisticated range of vocabulary, and wide range of structures. Classes are taught in Chinese, and students are placed in groups with local Chinese students, which is a challenging environment for Russian students, on the one hand, but on the other – it is the environment which allows students to drastically improve their Chinese proficiency and to enjoy the feeling that they have just achieved everything they set out to do.
Incoming students from Dalian are enrolled on the Russian as a Foreign Language program.
Harbin Institute of Technology – is one of 6 national key universities in China and a long-term strategic partner of SUSU. It has been providing graduate education programs for SUSU students for 5 years, and now is joining us in our endeavor to design joint non-degree/double degree master programs in Thermal Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering.
In 2016 the University started new undergraduate education programs with Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China), in Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture; in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architectural Design and L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University ( in Journalism, TV/Radio Broadcasting). Currently we are negotiating programs in Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics with North China Electric Power University and China University of Petroleum _Beijing.
Why do you need it?
A period of study or a work placement in another country will not only allow you to experience a different type of education abroad, but it will also improve your educational record, thus enhancing your future prospects when it comes to searching for a job, help you make new lasting friendships, develop flexibility and confidence, which are so crucial today when people have to operate in an increasingly cross-cultural society.
Eligibility Criteria:
- You must be in a good academic standing and provide evidence of your academic success in the classroom (although GPA depends on the program under consideration).
- You must be registered as a regular full-time student at SUSU at the time of application, and by the time of departure you must have completed at least two semesters of your studies. Full-rime registered SUSU students receive a tuition waiver from SUSU partner universities.
Application: how does it work?
STEP 1. Students willing to participate in one of our Academic Mobility Programs need to contact the International Mobility Office (IMO) at SUSU, because it is SUSU that is responsible for screening the applications and providing the Host university with a list of selected and eligible candidates, and the Host university shall make final admission decisions on a case by case basis. We are also here to check on the courses you will take at the Host university and to ensure close compatibility of courses. We will provide information to assist Institutes/Schools in assessing the course of study at the Host university for credit towards a SUSU degree. All the courses must be approved by the Director of your Institute/School prior to departure.
STEP 2. Once your participation in the program has been confirmed by the Host University (they have sent you an official invitation letter), you are to apply for visa. Please, consult the consulate or embassy where you are applying to make sure that you meet all the current application and documentation requirements.
STEP 3. Do not forget that all outgoing (as well as incoming) students must have medical insurance. If you are travelling to China, make sure that you have purchased Foreign Students Overall Insurance in China, because it is something you need to do to follow the regulations issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education. You might also want to purchase medical insurance provided by some Russian insurance company, just do not forget that Chinese Students Overall Insurance is mandatory.
STEP 4. Tickets and travel arrangements.