Project leader at SUSU

Radionov Andrey Aleksandrovich

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor


Promoting internationalization in agriculture in Iran and Russia

Coordinator in Russia: Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk)

Coordinator in Europe: Ilmenau University of Technology (Ilmenau, Germany)

The goal of the project is to elaborate a Master’s degree programme in the major of Agromechatronics, establish a multinational cooperation network by developing web-based educational platforms, strengthen the potential of partner universities, and elaborate online courses in the frameworks of Summer School on Sustainable Agriculture among partner universities taking part in the Erasmus+ programme.

Project proposal is based on analyzing the needs of partner universities and is focused on modernization and harmonization of higher education systems in the sphere of Agricultural Engineering in accordance with the Lisbon Strategy and Bologna process in Russian and Iranian universities.

Innovative nature of the project is predetermined by its results and volume. It is going to cover 5 countries with a considerable experience and advanced level of education in not just the sphere of agricultural production but in mechatronics as well. Multi-track education in Europe, Russia and Iran has different traditions. By uniting different “schools” and approaches, mediation between them means the key moment in arrangement of European measurement in educational process. The newly-elaborated curriculum on Agromechatronics will allow providing a possibility to create a single educational space in the sphere of agricultural engineering while using the best European experience in methodology and content of the programme. Content of the courses will be adjusted to necessities of students and staff, and will promote enhancement of quality of educational activity, innovations and European measurement.

The second special goal is to improve intercultural cooperation as well as interaction between instructors and students based on a wide range of partners’ cultural traditions.

Innovative nature is connected to not only the content of the courses but also with an interactive ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) platform, which is going to help creating a wide network between the universities. Aside from the abovementioned, the project assumes development of online courses within a summer school, which are going to enhance the interactive nature of the education process as well as dynamics of generation of knowledge and exchange with knowledge.

Description of programmes

  1. General description of Masters programme
  2. Description of individual educational component

Project participants

Associated partners

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