Office of Project 5–100

South Ural State University
Office 510, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 272 32 02
E-mail: belousovev[at]susu[dot]ru


Evnegy Belousov

Tel.: +7 351 272 32 02

  • Managing the Project Office activity;
  • Organising the Project Office activity, analysing passports of projects, developing and planning the fields of the Project Office activity;
  • Developing and strengthening the material base of the SUSU Office of Project 5-100;
  • Organising advanced training of the Project Office staff, controlling work discipline;
  • As agreed, representing the university in the federal, regional and municipal authorities and governments;
  • Planning, organising and holding meetings on the issues of management and fulfilment of the programme on improving the competitiveness of SUSU (hereinafter referred to as the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme);
  • Taking measures implied by the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme, and controlling the results of their fulfilment by the university structural divisions;
  • Timely reporting to the SUSU Management on the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme fulfilment, analysing the reports, developing proposals on the work improvement;
  • Developing and refining the standards and mechanisms of the internal control of the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme fulfilment in general, providing information support for making decisions by the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme governing board;
  • Performing overall control of the efficiency of the processes of managing the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme projects.

Deputy Director

Elena Shelekhova

Tel.: +7 351 272 31 30

  • Expert reviewing passports of projects on the fulfilment of measures implied by the SUSU Competitiveness Enhancement Programme;
  • Preparing and updating the general plan of fulfilling the “Roadmap” projects;
  • Participating in operational management of the Project Office resources;
  • Drawing up and approving of the Plan of the grant assets spending;
  • Checking and approving of the Programme projects’ budgets and of amendments to them;
  • Interaction between the projects’ teams and the financial services of SUSU;
  • Participating in development of the project management for the following fields:
    • developing and implementing the project documentation standards;
    • rendering methodological support to the project supervisors in developing and fulfilling of the plans on communication and interaction with the key interested parties (stakeholders). 


Taya Denisova

Tel.: +7 351 272 31 30

  • Drawing up plans of financial and economic activity under the SUSU Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (Programme 5-100);
  • Drawing up a consolidated Programme budget;
  • Checking and approving of the Programme projects’ budgets and of amendments to them;
  • Controlling and registering actual budget assets and co-financing, providing information support for making decisions by the Programme governing board with regard to financial information;
  • Preparing the financial report on the fulfilment of SUSU Competitiveness Enhancement Programme with regard to fulfilment of the financial plans (yearly semi-annual report);
  • Efficient using of the financial resources under the SUSU Competitiveness Enhancement Programme, and revealing the possibilities of the assets saving;
  • Interaction between the projects’ teams and the financial services of SUSU.

Public Relations Specialist 

Yulia Rudneva

Tel.: +7 351 272 31 13

  • Introducing a Project Office section at the SUSU website;
  • Preparing to the meetings of the Managing Committee, preparing Minutes of the Meetings of the Managing Committee and other documents related to the activity of the Managing Committee;
  • Recording data into the automated information-analytical system of monitoring of the plans of measures (“Roadmaps”) on fulfilment of the competitiveness programmes of the member-universities (nonfinancial component automated information-analytical system “Planner”) in the Mediaplan section;
  • Keeping records in the projects’ passports database, including its updates;
  • Preparing materials on the fulfilment of Project 5-100 at SUSU for the official website on the higher education in Russia for international students, Study in Russia;
  • Editing the texts of the reports.


Alisa Mokievskaya

Tel.: +7 351 272 31 16

  • Controlling the document flow within the frameworks of Project 5-100 fulfilment;
  • Assisting in holding meetings of the governing board and other meetings in the course of the programme governing board activity;
  • Organising of the meetings, work places, passes, etc.;
  • Keeping records of the document flow under the SUSU Competitiveness Enhancement Programme, including collecting the passports of projects, reminding on the deadlines of procedures, and supporting the Project Office document flow;
  • Forming decrees on starting of projects.


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