On May 7, 2012 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed Decree No.599 “On the Measures of Fulfilling State Policy in the Field of Education and Science”. Among the tasks set by the leader of the Russian state before the Russian Federation Government was that “by the year of 2020 no less than five Russian universities get listed in the Top 100 of the world’s leading universities according to the world university ranking”.
Project 5-100 aims at improving competitiveness of the leading Russian universities among the world’s leading scientific and educational centres, and is being fulfilled in compliance with Resolution of the Russian Federation Government No.211 as of March 16, 2013 “On the Measures of State Support for the Leading Universities of the Russian Federation for the Purposes of Improving Their Competitiveness among the World’s Leading Scientific and Educational Centres”.
Following Decree No.296 of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science as of April 22, 2013 “On the List of Requirements to Selecting Universities for Granting Them State Support for the Purposes of Improving Their Competitiveness among the World’s Leading Scientific and Educational Centres”, a list of requirements was elaborated for selection of the leading universities to be granted state support for the purposes of improving their competitiveness among the world’s leading scientific and educational centres.
On the grounds of Regulation No.529-р of the Russian Federation Government as of April 6, 2013, regarding approval of the members of the council for improving the competitiveness of the leading Russian Federation universities among the world’s leading scientific and educational centres, a competitive selection of the leading universities was organised and held for granting them state support for the purposes of improving their competitiveness among the world’s leading scientific and educational centres according to the list of requirements for selecting the leading universities to be granted state support for the purposes of improving their competitiveness among the world’s leading scientific and educational centres, and to the criteria of the international rankings.
The competition participants included 54 Russian universities, with 36 thereof making it past the first round of the selection, and 15 universities becoming the winners.
In October of 2015, other 18 universities were admitted to participate in the competition, where each university presented their programmes and answered questions by the Council members and experts. Ten universities made it to the second round, and six of them were chosen in the end.
SUSU in Project 5-100
In 2015 South Ural State University (National Research University) became one of the six winners of the second open competition under the Project on improving the competitiveness of the Russian Federation universities among the world’s key scientific and educational centres. Currently 21 Russian universities are members of the programme on improvement of competitiveness of Russian institutions of higher education. Starting from October of 2015, SUSU also joined this group!
October 23 through 24, 2015 at Far Eastern Federal University, the SUSU team presented a long-term programme of the university development “Smart University for Sustainable Development of the Ural Region”. The programmes on competitiveness improvement were defended at the meeting of the project’s Expert Council chaired by the Russian Federation Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov. Among the candidates of the second open competition to become members of the project were 18 universities, and SUSU turned out to be one of the six winners!
The world’s prominent figures of authority in the field of higher education were engaged to assessing the presentations of the universities, candidates for participation in Project 5-100. The Expert Council included the world’s leading scientists – representatives of the world’s best scientific centres. Among those were: Professor of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo Andrey Volkov; President of the University of Hong Kong Lap-Chee Tsui; Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy Min Weifang; President of Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Edward Crawley. “These prominent scientists assessed the presentation results, and the programme by SUSU (NRU) was named among the best ones, what allowed our university to get ahead of the more authoritative competitors and break into the group of the six institutions of higher education who became new members of the project,” stresses Head of the SUSU Research and Innovation Services Andrey Keller.
At present a detailed plan of measures is being actively elaborated for fulfilment of the long-term development of the educational process, own research base and infrastructure – the “Roadmap”. Any SUSU student, member of the faculty or employee concerned about the future of their home university could take part in compiling of the “map”. The most valuable initiatives, which could improve the global competitiveness of the university, will be used during the drawing of the “Roadmap”, which is planned to be completed by January 2016.
Story in pictures: Roadmap compiling