Nikolay Pavlovich Parfentyev
Prof, Doctor of Historical Science, Doctor of Art History,
Head of the Department of Art History and Culturology,
Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation
Prof N. P. Parfentyev’s studies the phenomenon of Russian spiritual culture since the early times. Prof Parfentyev has published more than 100 research works including 6 monographs. His books are read in many Russian universities including Moscow and St. Petersburg.
His works on history and theory of the Russian art of music and writing in the XI–XVII centuries have transformed this great phenomenon of world culture into professional art in the historical context. His theoretical approach to the study of the early art has led to the development of the fundamental textual analysis of of its structure and delivery. The method has significantly contributed to the science triggering other scientists’ research. Since 2014, Prof Parfentyev has regularly been one of the most cited Russian researchers according to Russian Science Citation Index in the field of art, cultural studies and history. He is a member of the Editorial Board of SibFU Journal. Humanitites and Social Sciences.
Prof Parfentyev initiated SUSU postgraduate programs on Historiography, Literary Source Studies and Historical Methods in Research (2004) and Fine Art and Decorative Arts and Architecture (2008). In 2002-2014, Prof Parfentiev took the position of the Dissertation Defense Council Chairman in history. Since 2013, he has been a member of the Expert Council for Historical Sciences (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). He is also a member of the Dissertation Difense Council for cultural history at Siberian Federal University.
In March 2008, Prof Parfentyev triggered the establishment of the Science Education Center Current Problems of History and Theory of Art. As part of the Federal Target Program, the Center has conducted several major projects: the Methodical Maintenance of Activity in the University Art Museum; and History of the South Ural Art in the XVII–XX centuries.
Prof Parfentyev’s School has received wide recognition. Under his supervision, the students and young scientists research the phenomenon of Russian spiritual culture; among his students, 1 doctoral and 16 PhD disserartions were defended.
His research results are used in teaching and taught to history, art and theology students as part of Russian cultural history courses and courses on the ancient Russian art.
Prof Parfentyev is a regular participant of international scientific conferences held by Moscow and St. Petersburg Conservatories, Russian National Library, the Institute of Russian Literature, and the State Institute of Art Studies (2009-2016); he also regularly participates in the international Viennese conference Theory and History of Monody (Vienna, 2012, 2014, 2016). In 2016, Prof Parfentyev presented the following reports: The Supreme Power Image in the Hymnographic Works by Ivan the Terrible (St.-Petersburg); Church Singing Art Under Ivan the Terrible (Vienna), Russian Church Singing Art Reform in 1650-1670 During the Transition to the New Art History (Moscow).
Prof Parfentyev is a co-organizer of the SUSU Museum of Contemporary Art, which hosts exhibitions in cooperation with the State Russian Museum, the Russian Academy of Arts, the Union of Russian Artists, regional art museums, and international colleages.
Prof Parfentyev is known for his self-discipline and his ability to see through the reserached topic. He has a powerful voice and does academic signing; on special occasions, he pleases his colleagues and family by performing opera areas and romances.