Dean Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor Теl: + 7 (351) 267-91-15 |
Our faculty offers educational programmes for specialists, undergraduates and graduates who want fundamental preparation in Mathematics, Mechanics, Computer Science and Programming, Engineering, Economics. We provide high quality education based on individualization and student's creative initiative stimulating. Our professors and students have the opportunities of taking part in international scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums, collaborative research projects with foreign universities.
Fields of Study
- 01.03.01 - «Mathematics»;
- 01.03.02 - «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science»;
- 01.03.03 - «Мechanics and Mathematical Simulation»;
- 01.03.04 - «Applied Mathematics»;
- 02.03.01 - «Mathematics and Computer Sciences»;
- 09.03.04 - «Software Engineering».
- 01.04.01 - «Мathematics»;
- 01.04.02 - «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science»;
- 03.04.01 - «Applied Mathematics and Physics»;
- 09.04.04 - «Software Engineering».
Research Areas
- Equations of mathematical physics (mathematical modelling, equations of Sobolev type, stochastic equations).
- Computing mechanics of continuum (mathematical modelling, thermal state estimation, computing mechanics, multicomponent and multiphase environment).
Running Projects
- The research unit for Qualitative and computational investigation of optimal measurement problems, under the project numerical approach and computational algorithm of optimal measurement problems including white and color noise are investigated. The results of this study can to be used for solving the problems of management and stability. Principal researcher: Prof. G.A. Sviridyuk.
- The unit for Mathematic modeling of high-speed processes in multicomponent environment mechanics . The aim: to pursue research in the multiphase environments, mechanical and physical properties and adhesion strength of functional coatings in constructional elements. The research team cooperates with leading scientific centers of the region. Principal Researchers: Prof. Y.M. Kovalev, Prof. V.F. Kuropatenko, Prof. V.S. Suvorov.
- "Qualitative and numerical investigation of optimal measurement".The aim: to develop the numerical methods and computational algorithm for solving the problem of optimal measurement with the white or colored noise, theorems on the existence of solutions for the problems of ShowalterSidorov optimum control and initial-final problem for the Sobolev-type (semi) linear equations including a variety of different geometric structures (columns) for Sobolev-type linear equations of high order. The problem of optimal measurement is based on the inertia and resonance; problems of optimal measurement of white noise both Gaussian and constant spectral density. The results of this study are expected to meet the challenges of handling and stability.
Contact Us
Dean's Office:
Address: 454080 Chelyabinsk, Lenun Avenue (main building), 76, Room 702
Теl: +7 (351) 267-91-15
Fax: +7 (351) 267-90-15
E-mail: pmfdek[at][dot]ru
Рrincipal Researchers:
Dr . Sofia Zagrebina (stochastic equations)
E-mail: zagrebinasa[at][dot]ru
Dr . Georgiy Sviridyuk (mathematical programming)
E-mail: sviridiukga[at][dot]ru
Dr . Yuriy Kovalev (mathematical models)
E-mail: kovalevym[at][dot]ru