Dean Doctor of Sciences (Architecture), Professor Tel: +7(351) 267-95-61 |
At the Faculty of Architecture, established in 2002, students gain knowledge in the fields of architectural design, urban planning and landscape architecture, design of architectural environment and interior design, graphic and industrial design, basics of composition, history of architecture, building structures, building materials, computer modeling, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Students undertake their internships both in the leading design organizations of Chelyabinsk: "Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt", "Design Center", "Chelyabgipromez" and abroad (Germany, Italy, Denmark, Czech Republic, United States).
Fields of Study
- 07.03.01 - «Architecture». Programmes: «Architectural Design», «Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture».
- 07.03.03 - «Design of Architectural Environment». Programme: «Interior Design».
- 54.03.01 - «Design». Programmes: «Environment Design», «Graphic Design».
- 07.04.01 - «Architecture». Programme: «Domestic and Civil Architecture».
- 07.04.03 - «Design of Architectural Environment». Programme: «Urban Design».
- 54.04.01 - «Environment Design».
Research Areas
- Pure architecture (ecological architecture, urban ecology, “smart”–cities, architectural safety and lighting structures).
- Design (architectural and light environment, passive technologies of energy efficiency in buildings design and sanation).
- Design and graphic arts (graphical systems of automate design, development of one's creative activity).
Research teams, conducting major projects:
- The research team for Architectural and Light Environment headed by O.R. Bokova strives to pursue research in the areas of architectural and light environment development based on safety and ecological compatibility, methods and technology development in designing energy-efficient light sources. The research in this area allows defining the light environment concept to serve as a basis for the development of a national policy in the sphere of energy efficiency and energy performance.
Contact us
Dean's Office:
Address: 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenina ave., 76, room 520-а.
Tel/fax: +7 (351) 267-95-61
E-mail: arch[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Principal Researchers:
Dr. Olga Bokova (Chromatic Environments Safety)
e-mail: bokovaor[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Dr. Alexander Shwaiger (Computer-Assisted Design)
e-mail: shvaigeram[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Dr. Salavat Shabiev (Building Architecture)
e-mail: shabievsg[at]susu.ac[dot]ru