
Since the very foundation and up to the present, the progress toward innovation has always been of high priority for SUSU.

Innovative infrastructure of the University is the leading part of the innovative system of the region. The infrastructure creates the opportunities for scientific and applied research, generates new projects on the basis of the research, provides financial support, has modern manufacturing capabilities at its disposal, supports professional training, and provides comprehensive intermediary, consulting and educational services.

The main aim of innovative infrastructure development at the University is to increase efficiency and expand the/its existing environment to make it possible to implement start-to-finish innovative projects on the basis of fundamental and applied research and development, as well as of new education programs, leading to the creation of new highly competitive products and services. To facilitate the development of scientific and innovative activities at SUSU, the corresponding infrastructure for commoditization of intellectual property, researches and innovative technologies created by the scientists within South Ural State University.


IT Infrastructure

The University aims to strengthen its leadership among Russian universities by the use of cutting edge technologies in educational and scientific purposes.

SUSU will develop information technologies in the following key areas:

  • Establishing fully functional Intranet
  • Introducing comprehensive Learning management system
  • Scaling up of universal access-to-knowledge tool - Personal Virtual Desktop (PVD)
  • Maintaining free access to supercomputers for all students

SUSU Personal Virtual Desktop system leverages the facilities of the high-performance computing cluster. This system provides all students and staff with access to the data cloud, including access to specialised licensed software, and the University's educational services, as well as remote access to research laboratories.

Currently SUSU's Intranet system Univeris enables direct communication between the administration and staff. In particular, Univeris integrates faculty’s profiles and allow to track scientometric data to monitor their progress toward achieving KPIs. Besides that, automated project management system is used for complex research projects. The SUSU Admissions Office uses the Intranet to receive applications online, to monitor ratings, and to inform applicants of admissions decisions.

Personal virtual computer


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