Васючков Егор Олегович

Ассистент (-), Преподаватель (почасовик) — Кафедра «Отечественная и зарубежная история»
Hirsch index: 
Scopus 0
Web of Science 0
Russian scientific profiles: 
РИНЦ: SPIN-код 2071-3110, Author ID 1040686
Scopus ID:
Web of Science ResearcherID:
Articles and monographs: 
Epimakhov, A. Bronze Age Human and Animal Nutrition at the Stepnoe Archaeological Micro-Region (Based on Stable Isotope Data) / A.. Epimakhov, E.. Vasyuchkov, E.. Kupriyanova //Nanobiotechnology Reports.–2023.–Vol. 18 No. 5.– P.775-783
Metal Composition of Items of the Early Iron Age from the Collection of the Chesma History and Local History Museum / I.P. Alaeva //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.– P.275-282
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