Koshkarova Natalia


South Ural State University

English proficiency


Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted

5.9. Philology

(5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics)

List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

Supervising postgraduate students, participation in RFBR grants, supervising grants of the scholarship program of the V. Potanin Foundation

List of possible research topics

Political discourse, advertising communication, functional and stylistic features of genres and genre forms


Research Supervisor:

Koshkarova Natalia Nikolaevna

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies of South Ural State University

Title (philological sciences)

Supervisor 's _ research interests (a more detailed description of scientific interests): The theory of speech heat, conflict and cooperative forms of interaction, post-truth and fake news phenomena

Research highlights (if available):


Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by Web o fScience, Scopus, RSCI over the past 5 years, write up to 5 of the most significant publications, indicating the imprint): 10

  1. Koshkarova N.N. Discursive peculiarities of the corruption interpretation in the English language // Voprosy Cognitivnoy Lingvisitki. – 2018. – 2(55).– pp. 51-58. DOI:10.20916/1812-3228-2018-2-51-58 Scopus
  2. Petrova N.E.. Shirokova E.N., Koshkarova N.N. Linguistic Discussion in the Context of the Soviet Journalese Discourse // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. –2018. – Vol. 39. – pp. 310-321. DOI:10.15405/epsbs.2018.04.02.45 Web of Science
  3. Chudinov A.P., Koshkarova N.N., Ruzhentseva N.B. Linguistic interpretation of Russian political agenda through fake, deepfake, post-truth // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – Т. 12. – № 10. – С. 1840-1853. DOI:10.17516/1997-1370-0492 Scopus
  4. Koshkarova N.N. Linguistic, Pragmatic, and Stylistic Peculiarities of 2018 FIFA World Cup Representation in British Media-Discourse // Russian Journal of Linguistics. – 2019. – Т. 23. – № 3. – С. 802-819 DOI:10.22363/2312-9182-2019-23-3-802-819 Scopus
  5. Koshkarova N.N., Polyakova L.S., Tomberg O.V. Media Coverage of Transgender Discourse // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. –2020. – Vol. 83. – pp. 350-357. DOI:10.15405/epsbs.2020.04.02.38 Web of Science
  6. Nakhimova E.A., Koshkarova N.N. Research into Artistic Image within Linguistic Imagology // Philological Class. – 2020. – 25(2). – pp. 297-302. DOI:10.26170/FK20-02-28 Web of Science
  7.  Solopova O.A., Koshkarova N.N. Religion as Source Domain of Metaphors in World War II Media Discourse // Nauchyi Dialog. – 2021. – 4. – pp. 148-167. DOI:10.24224/2227-1295-2021-4-148-167 Web of Science
  8. Ruzhentseva N.B., Koshkarova N.N., Chudinov A.P. Genre Modifications of Political Portrait in Mass-Media Discourse // Yazik I Kultura- Language and Culture. – 2021. – 53. – pp. 85-104. DOI:10.17223/19996195/53/6 Scopus
  9.  Ruzhentseva N.B., Koshkarova N.N. Phenomenon of Information Misrepresentation in Mass-Media: Versions of Facts // Nauchyi Dialog. – 2021. – 7. – pp. 123-138. https://doi.org/10.24224/2227-1295-2021-7-123-138 Web of Science
  10. Koshkarova N.N. Lexical and semantic changes as reflection of Russian speakers' axiological preferences // Voprosy Cognitivnoy Lingvisitki. – 2021. – 3.– pp. 80-88. Scopus


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